CAJSHS Students of the Month for September

Clearfield Area Jr/Sr. High School is proud to announce the Students of the Month for September 2020. Teachers and guidance counselors select students on a basis of performance in class, participation, helpfulness, attendance, and academic achievement. 


Students of the Month for January 20120 are as follows:

7th Grade: Maxwell Campolong, Noah Wriglesworth, Auriana Swatsworth, and Chloe Beningo

8th Grade: Isaiah Snyder, Ian Gibson, Alaura Rowles, and Daisy Knepp

9th Grade:  Evan Forcey, Luke Pallo, Ella Sheets, and Trenadi Bloom

10th Grade: Connor Kyler, Reece Heitsenrether, Cole Miller, Prudence Corrigan, and Cara Turner

11th Grade: Ryan Gearhart, Tanis Gillen, and Olivia Bender

12th Grade: Matt Pallo, Troy Hess, Alycia Edwards, and Christina McGinni