Laptops for the Junior Class

Notice to Parents of Juniors,


 As you may have heard, your student is being issued a school laptop as part of the districts’ One to One Laptop initiative. The first step is for parents and the student to read the CASD 1:1 Student Manual and the CASD 1:1 Responsible Use of Technology and Equipment Agreement. Both forms have been discussed and distributed in your student’s English class. The agreement form needs to be signed and returned your student’s English teacher by the date they were given when they received their forms. All Juniors should have received their paperwork by the end of today, February 22, 2019. Some may have already returned the agreement and received their laptops. If you have not seen these items and have not been asked to sign the agreement, please ask your student for the forms. If not, forms can be found on the Junior-Senior High  page of the district website. Other grade levels will begin receiving laptops at a future date.


Download these documents here:\r\n


CASD 1:1 Student Manual\r\n


CASD 1:1 Responsible Use of Technology and Equipment Agreement


Thank you for your assistance,\r\n


High School Administration\r\n