Attention Seniors Only: Senior picture retakes for the yearbook will be December 14th. Club pictures are also on the 14th, if you need a retake you will need to report to the auditorium before 1st period or after 2:15 to have your retake done.
10 months ago, Clearfield Bison
Jr./Sr. High School Pictures are Ready! View and order at CLEARFIELD AREA SR JR HIGH SCHOOL Event Code: FE22323 Secure access code distributed by school.
about 1 year ago, Clearfield Bison
If you have a need that could be helped by the clothes closet program, please fill out the form linked here:
about 1 year ago, Clearfield Bison
Mount Aloysius College is reopening dual enrollment registration. College in High School registration will open from February 1st to the 20th. This is open to all students regardless if it is a full year course or not. Here is the link to the application that can be found on the homepage. This link will not be active until February 1st.
over 1 year ago, Clearfield Bison
Junior Senior High School students are reminded that make-up picture day is Tuesday October 18th.
almost 2 years ago, Clearfield Bison
Dual Enrollment for Penn Highlands has been extended by one week! Students can apply and register for Fall and Full Year courses until Friday, September 30, 2022. Please be aware that the ACE application does close on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. No applications will be permitted after this deadline. The late registration period will run from October 3 through October 7.
about 2 years ago, Clearfield Bison
Dual Enrollment deadlines are this week, follow the link below for more information!
about 2 years ago, Clearfield Bison
Reminder: Jr./Sr. High School picture day is Wednesday September 14th. Our code is FE120222 Order at
about 2 years ago, Clearfield Bison
pic 2
Yearbooks will be handed out tomorrow August 9th and Wednesday August 10th from 9 until noon in the front commons of the Junior-Senior High School. Please contact Mrs. Wingate at 814 765 5511 extension 2207 if you need to make other arrangements. Pass the word.
about 2 years ago, Clearfield Bison
Baccalaureate will be held on May 18 at 6:30pm. Please join us during this special time as we celebrate our seniors.
over 2 years ago, Clearfield Bison
The Jr./Sr. High School will be having a scheduled lockdown drill on Friday January 28th. This is just a drill.
over 2 years ago, Clearfield Bison
Due to staff shortages at Penn State DuBois, the FAFSA night event planned for Wednesday, Oct. 20 at the Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School has to be postponed. Both parties apologize for the inconvenience to seniors and their families who were hoping to attend. Clearfield hopes to reschedule this event with PSU DuBois. There is a FAFSA night scheduled on campus of PSU DuBois on Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 5:30 pm. Students need to RSVP to Tammy Pesce, Financial aid Coordinator if they wish to attend this event. Any questions about the FAFSA at PSU DuBois campus contact Tammy Pesce by email.
almost 3 years ago, Clearfield Bison
Follow the link below to see Christopher Blowers participate in PMEA's Virtual All State Chorus!
almost 3 years ago, Clearfield Bison
The 2021-22 yearbook is now on sale for the lowest price of the year which is $62 for a 164 page all color book. This price will be in effect until October 29th. If you purchase a personalized book by September 24th, you may choose up to 4 free icons. Payments can be broken up into three payments. Order online at or stop by room 207 for an order form.
about 3 years ago, Clearfield Bison
If you would like to receive updates and announcements from the Jr./Sr. High School via the Remind App, please follow the directions below to sign up.
about 3 years ago, Clearfield Bison
If you would like to livestream the 2021 Graduation Ceremony tonight at 7pm, you can do so with the link below:
over 3 years ago, Clearfield Bison
6th & 7th Grade Band Information can be found here: Please read it over and complete all needed documents for Summer Band.
over 3 years ago, Clearfield Bison
Jostens has re-opened senior recognition ads for Clearfield Junior Senior High School starting today Tuesday May 25th through May 30th. Please contact if you have any questions or problems.
over 3 years ago, Clearfield Bison
For the senior recognition ads, Jostens is working on extending the deadline for the ad to May 31st. If you would like to email Linda Wingate with your picture(s), size of ad (1/8,1/4,1/2 or full page), and message to your student, we can design your recognition ad, send it back for approval, and you can send the payment to school via mail or your student.
over 3 years ago, Clearfield Bison