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As we near the return to school it will be important for everyone to do a screening in the morning to determine if you should be reporting to school that day. The following is the current table recommended by the PA DOH as to what one should be considering upon returning to school. The table that is displayed is the current table as of August 22nd. The table has changed in the past, and as a result we have also posted the link for the table and for additional screening information that we will be using to help determine when someone can return to school. It is important to note that if a fever is being reduced by medication, it is still a fever and the staff member or the student should not be reporting to school.

We do have temperature screening in place for all employees and students as well upon arrival. While it is one step, the screening process in the morning will also provide an additional layer of review in an effort to protect all of our students and staff.

Parents please make sure we have the most up to date contact information for you and emergency contact information on file. You can send this information into school or update it within Sapphire.

Table as provided by PA DOH:

Are you/is the student taking any medication\r\n to treat or reduce a fever such as Ibuprofen (i.e. Advil, Motrin) or \r\nAcetaminophen (Tylenol)?


Are you/is the student experiencing any of the following?

\r\n Group A\r\n 1 or more symptoms \r\n Group B\r\n 2 or more symptoms


Shortness of breath

Difficulty breathing

New olfactory disorder

New taste disorder

Fever (measured or subjective)





Sore throat

Nausea or vomiting



Congestion or runny nose


\r\n Stay home if, you or the student:

  • Have one or more symptoms in Group A \r\n OR
  • Have two or more symptoms in Group B \r\n OR
  • Are taking fever reducing medication.

LINKS to the PA DOH Guidelines: