Help your child get a jump on the 2022-23 school year by having him/her participate in the Summer Early Start program at CAE!


WHEN:  Aug 8-11 and 15-17 (7 days)\r\n


TIME:    9:00-Noon each day\r\n


WHERE:  CAE \r\n


WHO: All incoming 1st -5th grade students\r\n


WHAT:  Come review your skills from the 21-22 school year and get a jump on what you will need to know for the 22-23 school year.\r\n

Transportation will be provided although bus stops may be different than normal school year due to number of buses running, location of students participating etc.\r\n


All students participating will receive lunch at 11:30 before being dismissed at noon.\r\n


Class sizes will be limited to 15 but we will create more than one class at each grade level if needed.\r\n


Focus will be on Language Arts and Math.


If you would like to register your child please complete the attached form in its entirety and return it to school or email it to:  by Wednesday, May 25th.  You will be notified by email or phone by June 30th if we have enough interest in your child’s grade to run the program.  You will also be send a reminder email closer to the start date.\r\n

Click here for the sign up form!